What are Gas Saving Chips anyway?
Basically, they are a device that are charged with resonant frequencies. For those without a physics degree, that means the vibrations that occur within different materials. If you match or harmonise with these frequencies then the energy can build up easier.
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Like pushing a swing. If you time the swings it is much easier to get a higher and higher swing. If you push against the flow, a lot of power is lost and you have to work harder to achieve the same result.
This is how resonant frequencies work. The gas saving chips introduce this into the fuel in order to burn more efficiently and therefore give you better fuel economy.
Just as important, with better and more thorough combustion emissions are reported to be reduced significantly.
However, the testing on these gas saving chips has been inconclusive. Engine size, age of vehicle, maintenance levels can all affect the results to the point where no 100% guarantee of success can be offered.
Particularly if your engine is less than 1800cc then the difference from a chip can be negligible. Larger engines do benefit more though how much is still under question.
Tests are still being conducted to show the proof of this radical method. So stay tuned.
Rather than rely on gas saving chips maintain your vehicle well, keep tyre pressure correct and have regular services in order to boost your vehicles efficiency and extend its lifespan.
There are a number of simple and easy to apply tips that can really boost your fuel efficiency. Start applying these and get saving today.
Gas Saving Chips - Are They A Rip-Off?
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