Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Extreme Biology - Life at All Scales and Energies

Fixation on Earth-based Visible Life

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A number of fixations plaguing the astrobiology community regarding the pre-requisites for life is retarding the development of biology and the search for new life in the universe. These fixations work as smokescreens to obscure the myriads of other types of life forms that may be thriving even in our Solar System. Astrobiologists, particularly at NASA, appear to have a dogmatic fixation on studying life only at the biochemical level, a pre-occupation with water as a substrate for life, adamant on only studying carbon-based life forms, restricted to a very narrow temperature range and scale; and not even noticing that all the life forms that they have imagined in their wildest models are only based on particles within the (physicists') Standard Model.

Physics affects biology in a more fundamental way than even chemistry or biochemistry. New developments in physics should open up areas to consider more extreme life forms. If we find dark matter and supersymmetric particles - would biologists then start thinking about dark matter and supersymmetric life forms? Should we be talking about "quantum biology"? When physicists talk of parallel universes, would biologists consider symbiosis between life forms in parallel universes? Is Darwin's tree of life complete? Where are its roots?

Extreme Biology - Life at All Scales and Energies

Life at Extremely Small Scales - Nano and Quantum Life

Bacteria may be no larger than 10 microns; viruses no larger than 100 nanometers; molecules about 1 nanometer and atoms about 0.1 nanometer. Does scale impose a barrier to life or even consciousness? If viruses are considered life forms (as some leading astrobiologists argue) then they constitute "nano-life".

Consciousness may even exist at the quantum scale. "In some strange way an electron or a photon [or any other elementary particle] seems to 'know' about changes in the environment and appears to respond accordingly," says physicist Danah Zohar. A group at the Weizmann Institute in Israel has done a variation of the famous "double-slit" experiment. They used electrons, instead of photons, and observed how the resultant interference pattern (which indicates wave-like properties of the particle) dissipated the longer you watched the electrons go through the slits. As a wave the electron passes through both slits simultaneously but if, according to E Buks, it "senses" that it is being watched, the electron (as a particle) goes through only one path, diminishing the interference pattern. Elementary particles (such as photons and electrons) appear to possess a certain degree of "intelligence" and awareness of the environment. Renowned plasma and particle physicist, David Bohm, says "In some sense a rudimentary mind-like quality is present even at the level of particle physics. As we go to subtler levels this mind-like quality becomes stronger and more developed."

In a new field called "quantum metaphysics", Jay Alfred has proposed that consciousness is as fundamental a property to elementary particles as properties that make it "matter" or a "physical force" (for example, mass, spin and charge) (see Conscious Particles, Fields and Waves, 2007). And just as mass, spin and charge differ from one particle to another; it is probable that different particles have different degrees of consciousness. He has argued (see Jay Alfred, Our Invisible Bodies, 2006) that consciousness can manifest depending on the degree of quantum coherence and the intrinsic properties of the single particle. (This may be cited as the "Quantum Coherence Theory of Consciousness".)

In studying particle consciousness we must not get distracted by their scale. In fact, (under quantum field theory) particles are excitations in a field that may be infinitely large. Every particle has a corresponding field. If a particle is considered a "unicellular life form" then a field of particles may be considered a "multicelluar life form" - except that these "cells" go in and out of existence within the field. This obviously begs the question - Is the biochemical cell the smallest unit of life? If not, then a biological revolution, more important than the Corpernican revolution in terms of its impact on society, is around the corner.

Life at Extremely Large Scales

Life at all scales are probable - including at the planetary, stellar and galactic scales; and even the universe and multiverse. The Gaia hypothesis has been proposed by James Lovelock and Lynn Margulis. Jay Alfred has proposed life at cosmic and global scales by using the "plasma metaphysics" model which believes that an extensive web of currents in space and on Earth exists which is both anatomically and physiologically similar to a neural network in the human brain. (See Are We Living in a Gigantic Brain? 2007) This web of currents in space not only looks like a neural network, it functions like one. We should not be surprised to see life being engineered using an electromagnetic substrate. A biochemcial cell's membrane is now thought to function like a semi-conductor.

Perhaps a thought experiment could be enlightening. Imagine yourself as a cell within your brain carefully observing your environment with a nano-telescope. Would you consider your brain as being able to support consciousness? What you would see are neural cells alternately firing and resting; chemicals rushing to synapses and the zapping of nasty electrical currents - clearly not a very "habitable zone" for life or consciousness to exist - from your microscopic point of view. But we know better...

Could the plasma universe, with its network of currents, be a living, conscious entity? Was the quark-gluon plasma ball that inflated during the Big Bang a life form?

High Energy Biology - Life at High Energies and Temperatures

At high temperatures, molecules break up into atoms and atoms break up into a soup of sub-atomic particles called plasma. (Partially ionized gases are also described as "plasma".) Plasma life forms are likely to be the most common life form in the universe, given that plasma makes up more than 99% of our visible universe which is almost everywhere ionized. This is in stark contrast to complex carbon-based life forms, which according to the Rare Earth hypothesis proposed by Peter Ward and Donald Brownlee, would be rare in the universe due to a number of factors - including the need for an acceptable range of temperatures to survive.

Plasma is an ideal substrate for life at high temperatures. Plasma life forms would adapt to environments which would be considered hostile to carbon-based life forms. It is possible that plasma life forms were already present in the gas and materials that formed the Earth 4.6 billion years ago. Carbon-based biomolecular life forms only appeared 1 billion years later. Tsytovich and other scientists (including Lozneanu and Sanduloviciu, discussed below) have proposed that plasma life forms, in fact, spurred development of organic carbon-based life on Earth.

In 2003 physicists; Erzilia Lozneanu and Mircea Sanduloviciu of Cuza University, Romania, described in their research paper Minimal Cell System created in Laboratory by Self-Organization (published in Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, volume 18, page 335), how they created plasma spheres in the laboratory that can grow, replicate and communicate - fulfilling most of the traditional requirements for biological cells. The physicists "grew" spheres from a few micrometers up to three centimeters in diameter. They are convinced that these plasma spheres offer a radically new explanation of how life began and proposed that they were precursors to biological evolution. Lozneanu plasma spheres can reproduce by replicating, just like bacteria which are generally considered "immortal" and do not undergo "apoptosis" or programmed cell death.

It is still a mystery in mainstream biology as to how DNA originated. An international scientific team has discovered that in the gravity-free environment of space, particles in plasma will bead together to form string-like filaments which will then twist into helical strands resembling DNA that are electrically charged and are attracted to each other. Using a computer model of molecular dynamics, V N Tsytovich and his colleagues of the Russian Academy of Science showed (in their paper entitled From Plasma Crystals and Helical Structures towards Inorganic Living Matter, published in the New Journal of Physics in August 2007) that particles in plasma can undergo self-organization as electric charges become separated and the plasma becomes polarized. "These complex, self-organized plasma structures exhibit all the necessary properties to qualify them as candidates for inorganic living matter", says Tsytovich, "they are autonomous, they reproduce and they evolve".

Past studies, subject to Earth's gravity, have shown that if enough particles are injected into a low-temperature plasma, they will spontaneously organize into crystal-like structures or "plasma crystals". Jay Alfred has characterized "subtle bodies" as plasma crystals in his 2006 book Our Invisible Bodies. He has written extensively about the anatomy and physiology of these bioplasma bodies generating a new field of research called "plasma metaphysics".

According to plasma metaphysics (see Jay Alfred, Our Invisible Bodies, 2006), plasma is subject to self-organization through both thermodynamics and electrodynamics. Plasma life forms have various mechanisms for the absorption and distribution of energy - in other words a metabolic system. These include both vortexes (equivalent to orifices in common biological systems) and filamentary currents (equivalent to tubes and circulatory systems in common biological systems) which are structured by magnetic fields and driven by electric fields. Information is stored in the nucleus of the bioplasma body as compressed wave-forms (using Fourier transforms) and used for replication. Plasma life forms are also enclosed in a membrane (like the membrane of a biological cell) and selectively admit charged particles (just like the semi-permeable membranes of common biological systems that admit ions i.e. charged particles into the cell). These structures (vortexes, filaments, membranes and the nucleus) have been described in the metaphysical and even religious literature more than 2,000 years old in connection with what is commonly referred to as "subtle bodies". With a membrane that separates the body from the environment, metabolic and information systems, these subtle bodies are, in fact, plasma life forms.

Dark Matter Life Forms

According to plasma metaphysics (see Jay Alfred, Our Invisible Bodies, 2006), dark matter consists largely of a magnetic plasma of largely non-standard particles or "dark plasma". Despite the many experiments to concoct life out of chemicals there has yet been no sign of life as complex as the simplest biological cell. One of the main unanswered questions remains as to how DNA, with its double helix structure, was formed. Computer simulations by Tsytovich has confirmed that helical strands are generated in (complex) plasma that look and function like DNA. At a more fundamental level, it is well known that double helical and corkscrew structures are signature features of plasma dynamics. Could the missing ingredients that gave rise to life include certain components which are now included under dark matter? Jay Alfred has proposed the "Dark Panspermia" hypothesis (see Plasma Life Forms - Dark Panspermia, 2007) which proposes that dark matter was carried by comets, meteorites and asteroids as they traversed the dark matter filled space around the solar neighborhood. As they impacted the Earth, dark plasma cells acted as templates for the formation of biochemical cells. Both dark matter and ordinary life forms co-evolved over vast stretches of time.

Perhaps a bacterial cell in solution should be "diluted" (similar to procedures often encountered in homeopathy) - by very slowly and meticulously taking apart each component of the bacteria. A healthy human cell should then be introduced into the solution to see if it would undergo reactions that would be similar to reactions caused by the same type of bacteria composed of visible ordinary matter. If it does (as would be expected and claimed by homeopathic theory) it will betray the presence of the dark matter counterpart of the visible bacteria.

Inter-Substrate (Plasma-Carbon) Symbio-genesis

Biologists are beginning to realize that co-operation was just as important as competition in the evolution of life's diversity and resilience. Every cell in the human body contains a mitochondrion which is thought to be a bacterial cell which invaded an early eukaryote. Instead of being digested, both cells tolerated each other and began to live with each other - a merger which provided synergies to both. This is a startling example of symbio-genesis. But then every mulit-cellular animal or plant is also an obvious example of co-operation rather than competition. More than a 1,000 trillion cells are living peacefully and co-operating in your body; together with 500 to 100,000 species of bacteria. In fact, there are about ten times as many bacteria as human cells in the human body. Does symbiosis extend further?

There is anecdotal evidence that plasma life forms formed symbiotic relationships with the abundant carbon-based life forms on Earth - particularly with hominids. Unlike other know species of animals, the unique brains of hominids allowed them to activate the higher energy bioplasma bodies that co-evolved with the physical-biochemical body without necessarily having any conscious awareness that they were accessing a different cognitive system. Relationships developed between the lower energy carbon-based bodies and the higher energy bioplasma bodies which were sustained, perhaps, for several millions of years up to the present. This allowed the higher energy bioplasma bodies to evolve in a unique way on Earth.


Do we need to expand the definition of life? When and how does a life form become conscious of itself? Is consciousness a fundamental attribute of physical matter like spin, mass and charge which physicists themselves do not quite understand? Is the cell (as defined in mainstream biology) the smallest unit of life? Are the subtle bodies described in the metaphysical literature plasma life forms?

The new science of astrobiology at NASA appears to be limping along in its understanding of life in the universe probably because it is saddled with the heavy weight of fixations generated from a biology that is largely based on chemistry rather than the whole of physics.

© Copyright Jay Alfred 2008

Extreme Biology - Life at All Scales and Energies

Jay Alfred has been researching on plasma life forms since 2001. He is the author of three books on a new field called "plasma metaphysics". The books include Our Invisible Bodies, Brains and Realities and Between the Moon and Earth which are available on Amazon online bookstores. Plasma metaphysics is the application of plasma and dark matter physics to the study of plasma life forms and their corresponding habitats. This includes the study of bioplasma bodies which co-evolved with carbon-based bodies on this planet.

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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Dubstep Music - A New Genre of Electronic Music Emerges As a UK Trend to Become a Global Phenomenon

Dubstep music was one of the first genres of music to emerge in the 21st century, having developed right around the start of the new millennium. It was primarily influenced by the Grime and 2-Step scenes popular in the United Kingdom at the end of the 1990s and early 2000s and has also integrated elements of breakbeat and drum & bass music. The term 'Dubstep' first started to be used around the year 2002, by which time it had fully developed into its own genre of music and began to receive mainstream recognition.

Dubstep is predominately instrumental, though vocal samples are not uncommon. The rhythm loops and drum tracks used in Dubstep can give the impression of being slowed down, as if they were actually played at half the speed of other elements in the song. The bass line tends to be the focal part of any Dubstep track, with special attention given to processing and mixing sub bass frequencies (those below 100 Hz). As a rule of thumb, the tempo usually ranges from between 130 and 150 BPM.

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The club "Forward>>," located in London, was the first establishment to host a regular Dubstep event. The BBC Radio 1 DJ John Peel was one of the first recognizable figures in the music industry to embrace the sounds of early Dubstep and was known to include Dubstep song in his radio sets in 2003 until his death in 2004. Other influential DJs and producers involved in the genre at the time included Skream, Benga and Plastician, to name a few. By 2005, Dubstep had grown from a local UK scene into a worldwide movement, with Dubstep events being held in the United States, Japan and elsewhere.

Dubstep Music - A New Genre of Electronic Music Emerges As a UK Trend to Become a Global Phenomenon

Currently, some of the biggest names in Dubstep today include Skream, Benga, Rusko and Boxcutter, all of whom are based out the United Kingdom. Influential Dubstep record labels include Planet Mu, Dub Police, Z Audio, Hotflush Recordings and Tectonic.

Dubstep Music - A New Genre of Electronic Music Emerges As a UK Trend to Become a Global Phenomenon

Taylor is a contributor at Alternative Electronics, the most comprehensive resource online for information about the equipment used in alternative electronic music, where you can also read more about Dubstep Producers and Dubstep music.

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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Create Computer Games - Get Started on Creating Your Own Virtual Worlds

I’ve always loved video games, ever since I first played them on a friend’s computer in the afternoon after elementary school. There’s something almost magical about the fact that we can move images around and interact with virtual worlds, a living fantasy presented for us to interact with however we please. I’ve also always wanted to make games myself but, until recently, didn’t have the technical knowledge to do so. Now, I’m a second year software engineering student, so if I weren’t able to code a game without too many dramas there’d be something drastically wrong. But what about the common person: the person for whom the term ‘memory leak’ conjures up images of their grandfather, ‘pipeline’ is where the water flows, and ‘blitting’ is unheard of? Well, everyone can get in on the game creation process, and you don’t even need to learn ‘real’ programming to do so.

So where do games start? With an idea. Games, like all fiction, require an idea to be successful. Sure, in the same way you can just sit down and write a story without foresight, you can jump on in and slap a game together. However, unless you get ridiculously lucky, the best works are usually the ones that have been well thought out beforehand.

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There are two methods of planning a project. You can start from a known technological standpoint and build your project on top of that or you can just go for the design, add as many features and ideas as you like, and then remove the ones that you can’t use when you’ve decided on the technology you’re going to implement the game with. In general, the second type is probably the best one to go with when designing games. When you’re first starting out however, the first option will save you many headaches.

Create Computer Games - Get Started on Creating Your Own Virtual Worlds

So, for a first game you’re going to want a pretty simple idea. Don’t get me wrong, crazy-go-nuts game ideas are fantastic, and there should be more of them out there, but you’re not going to be able to create a real world simulator with fifty billion virtual people all interacting real time with your actions having a butterfly effect on the future of the virtual universe when it’s just your first game. Really. Many people try it; none that I know of have succeeded. Imitation is the best way to start out. Simple games such as ‘Space Invaders’, ‘Tetris’, ‘Pacman’ or even ‘Pong’ are great places to start. All are largely simple to create but have some inherent challenges. ‘Pacman’ for example, requires path finding for the ghosts. I recommend that you start even simpler than that for your very first attempt. ‘Space Invaders’ is a nice point to jump in. You can make a simple, complete game without much effort and it’s almost infinitely extensible.

If you’re stuck for an idea, pick a genre that you enjoy. Do you love adventure games such as ‘Monkey Island’, ‘Grim Fandango’, ‘Space Quest’, ‘King’s Quest’ etc.? Design one of those. Are you into fighting games like ‘Street Fighter’, ‘Tekken’, ‘Soul Calibur’, ‘Mortal Kombat’ and so on? Come up with an idea for that. Do you like first person shooters such as ‘Quake’, ‘Half Life’ or ‘Doom’? I don’t recommend it as a first project, but you can always give it a go. Feel free to be as generic as you like, this is a learning experience after all.

Now that you have your idea it’s time to flesh it out. Don’t worry about the technology or the fact that you may not know how to actually implement a game just yet, just grab yourself some paper and a pencil and go crazy with ideas. Describe the main characters, game play, goals, interactions, story, and key mappings, anything you can think of. Make sure you have enough detail so that someone can read through the notes and play through the game in their head with relative accuracy. Changing game design during the coding process is almost always a bad idea. Once it’s set, it should remain set until the tweaking phase (I’ll go into this more later) or you’re likely to enter ‘development hell’, where the project goes on and on; more and more work is done with less and less outcome.

At the end of this period of your game creation, you should have the following:

- A written outline of the game’s characters and possibly a sketch or two (be they space ships, yellow circles, cars or the prince of the dark kingdom of Falgour, you need to know who or what the player will be and who they will compete against)

- A written outline of the story (if there is one, this isn’t too vital for ‘Space Invaders’ or ‘Tetris’, but for ‘Uber Quest: An Adventure of Awesomeness’ it’s a really good idea)

- A description of game play, written or storyboarded. Storyboards are visual representations of ideas. Draw your characters in actions, with arrows showing the flow of action and short written descriptions detailing the events occurring in your image (because some of us aren’t fantastic artists and our images can be a little… open to interpretation…)

Now that you have a fleshed out idea, it’s time to work out how this will all get put together. If you’ve gotten to this point and are worried that you’re going to have to spend years learning complex programming languages in order to implement your idea, fear not! Others have already done the hard yards for you. There are many RAD (Rapid Application Development) Tools available for game creation, a number of which are available for free online. Some of them still require you to learn a ‘scripting language’ (a simplified programming language made for a specific task) but in general this isn’t too complicated or involved. I’ve compiled a brief list of some of these I have found at the end of the article. The free ones are listed first, organized by game genre.

Well, that should be enough to get you started in the creation of your game. The most important thing to remember once you’ve gotten this far is that you need to complete your game. Many people start a project and then lose interest and it fails, or they keep moving on to one new project after another without finishing anything. Start small, build a working (if simple) game that is, above all else, complete. When you get to this stage you will always have a huge number of things that you wish to change, fix etc. but you’ll get a great feeling from knowing that it is, in its way, finished.

From this point, you can start the tweaking phase. Play your game a few times and ask others to do the same. Take note of what isn’t fun or could be better and change things here. At this stage, it is more important than ever to keep backups of previous versions so that if a change doesn’t work you can go back and try something different without losing any of your work. It is at this point that you can add all new features, improve graphics and sounds, whatever you please, safe in the knowledge that you’re working on a solid foundation.

When you’re happy with your game, why not share it with the world? There are many cheap or free places out there for you to host your files on and then you can jump on link lists and forums and let everyone know about your creation. Well, I hope that this has been a helpful introduction into the art of creating games. It’s a great deal of fun, and can open whole new avenues of creative expression for you to explore. Jump in and have fun!


General Game Creation:
(Tools that allow easy creation of many different game types)
Game Maker: http://www.gamemaker.nl
MegaZeux: http://megazeux.sourceforge.net/

Adventure Games:
(Games such as Monkey Island, King’s Quest, Space Quest etc.)
Adventure Game Studio: [http://www.bigbluecup.com]
AGAST: http://www.allitis.com/agast/
3D Adventure Studio: http://3das.noeska.com/
ADRIFT (for text adventures): http://www.adrift.org.uk/

Role Playing Games (RPGs):
(Games such as Final Fantasy, Breath of Fire, Diablo)
OHRPG: http://www.hamsterrepublic.com/ohrrpgce/
RPG Toolit: http://www.toolkitzone.com/

Fighting Games:
(Games such as Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, Tekken, Soul Calibur etc.)
KOF91: http://sourceforge.net/projects/kof91/
MUGEN (unfortunately the site is largely in French): http://www.streetmugen.com/mugen-us.html

Side-Scrolling Games:
(Games such as the 2D Mario Games, Sonic the Hedgehog, Double Dragon etc.)
The Scrolling Game Development Kit: http://gamedev.sourceforge.net/

There are many others available as well. One particularly useful site for finding game creation tools is: http://www.ambrosine.com/resource.html

Also of note, although not freeware, are the excellent game creation tools available by Clickteam at: [http://www.clickteam.com/English/]
Klik and Play and The Games Factory in particular are the programs to have a look at and download the free demos of.

If you really want to do things right and program the game yourself, there are some excellent programming resources available at the following locations:

Java Game Programming:

Visual Basic Game Programming:

C++ Game Programming:

General Information:

Create Computer Games - Get Started on Creating Your Own Virtual Worlds

Daniel Punch M6.Net http://www.m6.net Daniel Punch is a university student learning how to make a living through having fun.

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