Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Why Electronics and Technology Are Important

People today live in a world that relies greatly on electronics and gadgets to make our everyday activities easier and faster. Most of us could not fathom what life we be like without computers, cell phones, iPods, televisions, or electronic toys. Over the years, technology has continued to advance, improving the quality of life for people who use electronics and gadgets to make their lives more convenient.

When we wake up in the morning, we are often greeted by our alarm clocks. How many people would be late for work if they had to rely on their internal body clocks to wake them up at the same exact time every weekday morning? Once up and out of our bed some people may enjoy a cup of coffee or espresso from the convenience of their own kitchen coffee making appliance. Others may head to the bathroom to start getting ready for the day. This may include using a hair dryer or curlers to style their hair, or maybe an iron to de-wrinkle their clothes. All the while, people may be catching up on the day's news by watching their local news station on television. All this use of technology and electronics and they haven't even left for work yet!

New Electronic

The list goes on and on. The advancement of technology has allowed us to enjoy our favorite music while we exercise via the use of an MP3 player, warm our food in seconds with the convenience of microwaves, and even read our emails from anywhere in the world with the use of smart phones and laptops. This is just the tip of the iceberg. While most people understand that electronics and gadgets are important, they don't take the time to really comprehend just how much we use this type of technology in all aspects of life. Certain electronics and equipment have made medical procedures easier, not to mention just plain possible. Life expectancies have increased with the advancement in technology and suffering has lessened due to the invention of medical equipment and technologies.

Why Electronics and Technology Are Important

Whether it's the coolest new GPS gadget to help you located and get to your favorite vacation destination along with every restaurant, store, and gas station in the area, or the newest sonar machine that can allow a doctor to see any possible development issues with a mother's unborn baby, technology and electronics means more to us than we can realize. New products are developed every single day and the more people shop for fun gadgets and electronics, the easier and more fun life will become!

Why Electronics and Technology Are Important

New electronics are being put on the market every single day, check out the latest gadgets and maybe you'll find something to "tickle your fancy".

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Saturday, May 19, 2012

How to Use Crafting To Save and Make Money

Re-Purpose What You Have For What You Need

Recycling to use items as craft products is not only a good way to care for the environment, but also a good way to save money. Using crafted products to create gifts for friends and family is a way to save on having to fork out hard earned cash for gifts and crafting is the an ideal way to re-use instead of throwing out materials, especially un-recyclable fabrics. Having a good look around craft stalls at markets or searching the internet is a great way of finding out how recycled materials can be used in crafting. It varies from cutting old clothing into pieces for quilting to using scrap metal and iron to build artwork, the variations are endless.

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Crafting Co-Ops

How to Use Crafting To Save and Make Money

There will always be materials that you need to buy for your crafts. Joining co-ops, which specialize in selling crafting materials and supplies, is a good way to save on supplies. Crafting co-ops buy materials and supplies on in bulk at discounts and on-sell to members, passing on the discounted prices to the members. Some co-ops specialize in specific crafts, for example brewery products and ingredients, but most craft co-ops will be able to supply a range of supplies from all over the spectrum. If you are a crafter who want to specialize in one certain craft, for example brewing beer, it pays to join a co-op which specializes in procuring the ingredients and supplies for this, they will be specialized in getting the best price for this specific product.

Selling Your Wares

Before you actually start making your craft products to sell, stop and think about the market for your product: Is there a gap in the market which your product can fill? Otherwise, you are going to be left with a shed full of knitted teddies that do not sell. Pricing is also important and you should be doing some research on pricing your wares so it is competitive compared to other similar products. These days more and more crafters sell their wares online through sites like or Otherwise, local craft markets usually exist in any town and city. A visit online or to these markets will get you an idea of what is available and whether there is an oversupply or gap in the market of your products.

Crafting to save or make money is easy when you either need to save on your budget or earn a few dollars for extra disposable income. It can serve that purpose or it can even turn into a great part time or full time business. Crafting as a business it will definitely save and make you money.

How to Use Crafting To Save and Make Money

Visit for more money-saving advice, including Canadian deals, discounts, coupons, including Arts & Crafts deals.

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Thursday, May 17, 2012

History Of Electronic Medical Records

In the 1960s, a physician named Lawrence L. Weed first described the concept of computerized or electronic medical records. Weed described a system to automate and reorganize patient medical records to enhance their utilization and thereby lead to improved patient care.

Weed's work formed the basis of the PROMIS project at the University of Vermont, a collaborative effort between physicians and information technology experts started in 1967 to develop an automated electronic medical record system. The project's objectives were to develop a system that would provide timely and sequential patient data to the physician, and enable the rapid collection of data for epidemiological studies, medical audits and business audits. The group's efforts led to the development of the problem-oriented medical record, or POMR. Also, in the 1960s, the Mayo Clinic began developing electronic medical record systems.

New Electronic

In 1970, the POMR was used in a medical ward of the Medical Center Hospital of Vermont for the first time. At this time, touchscreen technology had been incorporated into data entry procedures. Over the next few years, drug information elements were added to the core program, allowing physicians to check for drug actions, dosages, side effects, allergies and interactions. At the same time, diagnostic and treatment plans for over 600 common medical problems were devised.

History Of Electronic Medical Records

During the 1970s and 1980s, several electronic medical record systems were developed and further refined by various academic and research institutions. The Technicon system was hospital-based, and Harvard's COSTAR system had records for ambulatory care. The HELP system and Duke's 'The Medical Record' are examples of early in-patient care systems. Indiana's Regenstrief record was one of the earliest combined in-patient and outpatient systems.

With advancements in computer and diagnostic applications during the 1990s, electronic medical record systems became increasingly complex and more widely used by practices. In the 21st century, more and more practices are implementing electronic medical records.

History Of Electronic Medical Records

Electronic Medical Records provides detailed information on Electronic Medical Records, Electronic Medical Record Software, Electronic Medical Record Systems, Electronic Medical Record Companies and more. Electronic Medical Records is affiliated with HIPAA Laws.

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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

How to Buy a Safe for Your Home

The first step is to determine who or where you will buy your safe from. There are many places to buy a safe today, you can buy from a "big box store", an office supply store, a furniture store, a hardware store, online, or even from a professional safe retailer or locksmith.

With any other than the safe retailer or locksmith you run the very real chance of not being able to get qualified advice as to what you need, not being able to arrange service or repair should the need arise. When you buy from a professional safe retailer or professional locksmith who also sells safes, you are likely to be dealing with someone who knows which safe will best fill your unique needs, these people make their living by selling safes, they know how a particular type or model will perform, they know the features and benefits, and what they are meant to protect. Being the experts they are, they also offer service, repair and delivery services.

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Would you really trust the protection of your priceless valuables to the advise you will receive from a minimum wage stockperson at a "big box store"?

How to Buy a Safe for Your Home

What do you want to protect and what do want to protect it against? Cash, jewelry, guns, important papers, or computer media could all require a completely different kind of safe.

Modern safes are manufactured specifically to protect against specific threats, a safe meant to guard against burglary, may not protect papers from fire. A fire safe, because of how it works, may actually destroy computer media or video tapes.

Burglary and jewelry safes are tested and labeled by a testing group according to how long it would take an expert thief, with all of the proper tools to break into the safe. The more time it would take, the more you have to pay for that safe. Contact your professional safe retailer for a complete discussion on burglary ratings.

Modern fire safes manufactured in the United States are tested and rated to keep the interior temperature below 350 degrees Fahrenheit for a specific amount of time, usually expressed in hours. The char point of paper is 405 degrees Fahrenheit, so therefore would be protected from burning. This is accomplished by the fill material in the safe releasing trapped moisture in the form of steam to keep the temperature within the proper range and seal entry points against heat and flame. This release of steam could destroy video tapes, photographs, and computer media.

Modern media safes are constructed using a dry fill that does not release moisture. These safes are usually much more expensive.

With the opening of world trade, and markets in the last few years, there are many safes being sold that are built in other countries, and some of them are labeled by groups other than ULâ. Some of these safes are very well constructed, some are very poorly constructed. The problem is that the testing standards are not the same, the construction requirements are not the same. It takes real diligence to be sure you are getting the protection you think you are getting. This is another reason you need to seek out a professional safe retailer.

Next you should decide what size safe you need, be very honest with yourself when estimating what will be kept in your safe, it may only be a little more expensive to buy a larger safe than you need today. Having to buy a new larger safe could be much more expensive.

If you buy a properly rated safe, built to protect what you are putting in it, could result in homeowners insurance savings, check with your insurance agent. Be sure that you follow whatever requirements they may have, failure to do so could result in no coverage.

Have your needs defined, and your questions ready, then visit a professional safe retailer or professional locksmith.

Jim Newell

How to Buy a Safe for Your Home

Please visit for links to manufacturers sites and crime prevention sites, many of which have additional security tips. This information could save your property or even your life!

Jim Newell a Security Professional and Consultant for over 35 years, operates a web site who's mission is to bring you information about security systems , security devices and security hardware. To help you to make informed and educated decisions about securing your personal property, your home and your business property. Visit for more info. Sign up for our newsletter!

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Sunday, May 13, 2012

Exhibit Booth Set-Up

So you've made it through the Trade Show Planning & Budgeting phase, you've learned how to Create Winning Display, and now you are ready for The Trade Show Experience! The key to successful exhibiting is planning. From getting your booth there to booth staffing to the return trip home, we've got tips on planning for success.

Preparing to Go.

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You have no doubt done extensive planning and prep work before heading to the show including travel planning, staff planning, materials and display set-up planning, and prepping all of the on-site materials from your Trade Show Toolkit Checklist. And because there is so much to keep track of, we advise creating a Show Notebook that you carry with you on the way that includes:

Exhibit Booth Set-Up

Content lists and tracking numbers for all boxes being shipped

Names and contact info for all booth items that you ordered (lead retrieval system, internet access, flowers, cleaning service, etc.)

Travel itineraries and hotel information for booth staff

Cell phone numbers for booth staff

Names and contact info for on-site services

Upon Arrival.

Have plan for booth staff to meet on show floor to help set up your display. When you arrive at the show, make sure all items have arrived at your booth and/or at your hotel. If anything is missing, check with the event center staff to locate missing items or track packages.

Booth Set-Up.

Obey event center rules for set-up! Most convention centers have union staff and require that exhibits needing tools for assembly be set-up by the union staff. If you have such a display, it's a good idea to be present during the assembly to be sure that set-up is being done to your specifications. Allow yourself plenty of time for set-up. You may find that you are missing an item or two or that a light bulb has burned out. Allowing extra time to take care of those unexpected items will save you from running around the morning of the show!

Booth Set-Up Tip

Whenever possible, when choosing to purchase or rent a display, explore your options for displays that do not require tools for assembly. Display manufacturers have become masters of creating even large-scale displays that do not require tools for assembly!

Have Back-Up Plans.

Prior to traveling to the show, it's a good idea to locate key vendors in the vicinity of the event location just in case you need them. Many common items such as photocopying are available through the event company managing the show, but can be pricey. Key vendors may include quick printers, a source for fresh flowers and candy, and a drug store for light bulbs, batteries, tape, aspirin and other essential booth supplies.

Exhibit Booth Set-Up

Ron Adler has been working in the exhibit industry with Adler Display ( for over 30 years. Ron has designed and created some of the most unique and creative displays in the mid-Atlantic region including several Visitor Centers in Maryland as well as dozens of exhibits for museums and hospitals throughout the United States.

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